Terms & Conditions
It is our normal policy to undertake an initial site visit / meeting with a prospective client which will be up to one hours duration charged at a modest fee to cover basic time costs and travelling. This enables sufficient time to assess the clients needs, the particular site issues, and initially assess the planning issues.
We verbally report on what course of action the prospective client should take at the time of the first meeting. This will be confirmed in writing shortly thereafter and included within the site visit fee.
The prospective client may only require an initial planning investigation rather than proceeding with further work. A brief planning report would be produced on behalf of the client in this case with cost limited accordingly.
If the project is more detailed then PPDL will provide a fee budget to be agreed with the client before work commences. The fee budget will list all the stages of work involved and appropriately costed so that the client knows at the outset the approximate fee involved.
To ensure that this is upheld, the client will receive a copy contract from PPDL with the costs set out , which cannot be exceeded unless agreed beforehand between the client and PPDL.
In all other cases, where it is not possible to be precise as to the fee level involved then clients will be charged at our hourly charge out rates which can be given by contacting the company via the contact page.
PPDL operates a Code of Conduct in accordance with that laid down by The Royal Town Planning Institution governing town planning consultants.